Test your knowledge of the Moon 1 / 10 What is the phase of the Moon when it is directly opposite the Sun? New Moon Full Moon Crescent Moon Quarter Moon 2 / 10 Who was the first human to set foot on the Moon? Buzz Aldrin Michael Collins John Glenn Neil Armstrong 3 / 10 What phenomenon occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Earth and the Sun? Solar eclipse Full Moon Lunar eclipse New Moon 4 / 10 What is the period of the Moon’s orbit around Earth? 365 Days 27.3 Days 24 Hours 7 Days 5 / 10 What is the Moon's gravitational pull compared to Earth's? Equal to Earth's 1/3rd that of Earth's 1/6th that of Earth's 1/2nd that of Earth's 6 / 10 What is the term for the dark, flat plains on the Moon? Rilles Craters Highlands Maria 7 / 10 What causes the Moon to have phases? Changing angles of sunlight hitting its surface as it orbits the Earth Earth's shadow Changes in its atmosphere Changes in its rotation speed 8 / 10 What is the name of the first spacecraft to land on the Moon? Luna 2 Apollo 13 Voyager 1 Sputnik 1 9 / 10 What is the main reason the Moon has more craters than Earth? More meteorites hit the Moon The Moon has no atmosphere The Moon is closer to the asteroid belt The Moon is older than Earth 10 / 10 How many astronauts have walked on the Moon as of 2024? 24 36 12 6 Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz